Algorithms in the wild

November 1, 2023

So today i was practicing solving algoritms and although i passed all the cases i wasnt satisfied with the algorithm i came up with so i decided to check the disscussion section of hackerrank (i'll eventually add it to my links when i am comfortable with my score and accomplishments) anyways i saw a comment and it was just six days ago apparently this dude came to hackerrank and well searched for users that could help him intergrate the algorithm into his website , keep in mind that theres chat gpt and other AI powered helpers that can show him exactly how to add it but for some reason he decided to come to a forum and ask people he doesn't even know ~disclaimer~ i'm not looking down on this guy in anyway its just after seeing that comment i now know that regardless of AI developers will always be important after all if the model the AI is been trained with isnt of high quality the AI will not super accurate .I know that AI is still basically at its infancy and with time it will get very accurate but yeah, its nice to know i guess , another and perharps the main lesson i learnt today is learning to write algoritms is not useless and yes i see this everywhere but for some reason this makes it stick

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